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José Manuel González Vida

PhD in Mathematics

Departament of Applied Mathematics, University of Malaga


The teaching work of Professor José Manuel González Vida is carried out in the Mathematics degree and in different Engineering degrees. He has been in charge of both undergraduate and postgraduate courses, in master’s studies.

His teaching area is framed, on the one hand, in basic subjects of Mathematics for Engineering and, on the other hand, in more specialized subjects such as Numerical Methods and Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations. These last subjects are closely related to the mathematical foundations of the MUCOM master’s degree.


His work in Numerical Analysis and its Applications, especially in the field of finite element and finite volume methods, have made him an expert in numerical modeling of geophysical flows. He has almost thirty publications in top-level JCR journals. He has participated in numerous national and international interdisciplinary projects, highlighting those of the NOAA Center for Tsunami Research -NCTR- (USA). In this project he is the Principal Investigator, and the main objective is the development of numerical models for the simulation of tsunamis.

He has also worked on the development of the Tsunami-HySEA model, used as the official model by the Italian Tsunami Warning Center. It will be established as an official model in the future Tsunami Warning Center of Spain, located in the National Geographic Institute. This model has recently been awarded the prestigious Nvidia Global Impact Award 2018. It is also one of the managers of the UMA’s HySEA supercomputing platform.

Recently he is part of the research team of three European projects directly related to his work in numerical simulation and modeling of tsunamis. More specifically, the projects are: the ChEESE project (Center of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth. Simulation and Mitigation of Geohazards), the Aristotle-ENHSP project (European Natural Hazard Scientific Partnership) and the COST AGITHAR action (Accelating Global science In Tsunami Hazard and Risk analysis).

Numerical Simulation and COMSOL Multiphysics

The research and teaching activities of Professor José Manuel González Vida have always been closely related to numerical methods and simulation since the beginning of his career. He is currently a true expert in the field of finite element methods and finite volumes. He has given lectures on the mathematical foundations of the Finite Element Method in different editions of advanced courses for the COMSOL Multiphysics numerical simulation software.

Courses taught: