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Admission and enrollment

Enrollment fee

The enrollment fee for the Master in COMSOL Multiphysics Modeling is 5 880 EUR. It is possible to choose between a one-time payment or payment in installments:

All payments are made to the University of Malaga, by credit card on the online platform or by bank transfer, after downloading the original enrollment document.

If you have any questions about the enrollment process or any other issue, please contact us through our contact page.


The number of places available for each master’s degree is limited. Places will be allocated in strict order of enrollment. Consult the following sections to obtain all the necessary information.

The official enrollment deadline is September 20, 2024.

In order to participate in the selection process, candidates must:

      1. complete the online enrollment form, and
      2. send the following documents, in pdf format, to
They will then receive notification of their enrollment in the Master’s program if they meet the admission requirements and if there are places available.


The requirements for enrollment in the Master’s Programs are in accordance with the regulations of the University of Malaga. You will be able to access the Master’s Degree Programs if you fulfill at least one of these three following requirements:
llave acceso simulación numérica COMSOL Multiphysics

Aquellos interesados que, por algún motivo, no hayan podido realizar su preinscripción y matriculación dentro del periodo oficial, podrán aún solicitarlo utilizando el formulario de contacto. La Dirección Académica evaluará su solicitud y, si ésta resultase aprobada, el interesado podrá incorporarse como alumno al máster.

Todas las clases online quedan grabadas y a disposición de los alumnos. Igualmente, todo el material docente se encuentra en las correspondientes páginas del Campus Virtual. Tanto la Dirección Académica como los diferentes profesores que ya han iniciado su enseñanza en el máster, facilitarán la recuperación y puesta al día, por parte del nuevo alumno, de toda la docencia impartida hasta el momento, mediante tutorías personales online con el propio alumno.